
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Fruit plants in pots

Fruit plants in pots on the home page is an interesting thing to do. There are several things to consider for planting fruit trees in pots.

In order to thrive and produce fruit, fertilizer routinely, regularly, and according to the instructions need to be considered. Sometimes plants need supplements. This supplement could stimulate the fast-growing plants that flower and then fruit. These supplements can be in the form of organic fertilizer. Generally, supplements sprayed at least 2 weeks.

Water and light
Water is needed by the plants, the plants should be watered 2 times a day morning and afternoon. Plants need sunlight for photosynthesis, water and light levels should be tailored to the type of plant.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Cynodon Dactylon

CynodonDactylon is a type of grass that is easy to plant and can be grown in many conditions even the grass is able to survive on land with less water into a minimal growth of leaves, grass of this type will remain alive despite being stepped on or run over a car wheel, for its roots in contact with soil .
Cynodon dactylon has a large and rapid expansion, was originally a coastal plant, currently venturing in agricultural areas as a weed.

Zoysia japonica

Zoysia japonica is a type of grass that is easy to maintain, Zoysia japonica green shapes like rods with long spines 2-5 cm.
The grass of this type can be given urea, Zoysia japonica does not require much water, and requires enough sunlight, the bottom of which had long grass not green, grass types are usually cut 2-4 weeks depending on growth.

Pitcher Plants

Pitcher Plants (Nepenthes) These plants are common in southeast Asia, growing in damp areas with lots of sunlight. This plant has a pouch used as a trap to catch insects.
There are types that can grow along 12-18 m and climb other plants, there are some species that are not climb.
Each species has a different shape and color of pitcher, with the same function of pitcher as the insect catcher.

Venus fly trap (Dionaea muscicapula)

Venus fly trap grow in the United States. Venus fly trap (Dionaea muscicapula) This plant has leaves that serve as traps flies and other insects. When an insect contacts to leaves hair , the trap closes if a different hair is contacted within twenty seconds of the first strike.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Portuguese sundew (Drosophyllaceae lusitanicum)

Portuguese sundew (Drosophyllaceae
lusitanicum) native of Portugal. Portuguese sundew grows in a dry place. These plants secrete scents that attract insects. Insects are caught will stick to the mucus released by glands contained in the leaf.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Plant Nutrients

There are 16 essential nutrients required by plants and divided into two groups;

A. Macro nutrients, which are needed in relatively large amount: N (nitrogen), P (phosphorus) and K (potassium), Ca (calcium), Mg (Magnesium) and S (Sulfur).

B. Micro-nutrients, which are needed by plants in relatively very small amount, such as: Cl (Chlorine), Fe (Iron), Mn (manganese), Cu (copper), Zn (zinc), B (Boron) and Mo (Molibdenium ).

Thirteen of the above nutrients taken from the soil. There are still three other nutrients; C (Carbon), H (hydrogen) and O (oxygen) is taken in the form of CO<sub>2</sub> from the air and from the ground in the form of H<sub>2</sub>O (water).